These are really some of my favorites that I've taken lately. I love love love when the flowers and trees start blooming. Fresh flowers in the window cutout above our kitchen sink are definitely a favorite of mine. I'm going to have to get a potted plant or something, cuz it gets too expensive to buy fresh cut flowers every 2 weeks or so.
This one is of a carnation. I cropped in nice and close and I really like the texture and the white tones within it.

This is of a tiger lily. I really hope that Jordan will let me plant a few somewhere in our yard. I just LOVE lilies.

These next to I am definitely printing and hanging up somewhere in the house. I LOVE them. I still can't believe that I actually snapped this picture of the bee. I had to crop in close to get this final shot, but I'm so excited that the bee is IN FOCUS! Lol!

And this one is of one of the big bushes in the front that was her when we bought the house. I'm really not sure what it is, but it blooms so pretty and pink and vibrant each year. I love the way I got this one bunch of blooms in focus and threw the rest out for some nice bokeh.

Not a whole lot else going on. Jordan is heading up to Pittsburgh tomorrow night with a friend to help move his best man into their new house. I'm staying home because I promised Gidget I would come down to VA and go to a Wine Festival with her, which should be a TON of fun. I'm hoping to get some more stuff done around the house, and for the wedding too. I've been putting the wedding invitations together in spits and spurts, and I think it'll make putting them all together much easier. I got a few random projects done this past weekend, so that was good too. But the lists are never ending, lol.
Catch you later :)