The office is quiet and empty today, so I was naughty and took advantage by playing in photoshop. Good thing I've got stuff set up to breeze through this afternoon and pretend I was hard at work all day ;o)
Well my girl Kim B sparked my creative juices this morning. Between her cute yet manly "My Guy" kit, and her preview for SBM templates, I was sold. Even though I don't use SBM, I took the idea for one of the templates and made it in CS2 instead. Not exactly the same, but close enough to still be just like the original that inspired me so.

Well my girl Kim B sparked my creative juices this morning. Between her cute yet manly "My Guy" kit, and her preview for SBM templates, I was sold. Even though I don't use SBM, I took the idea for one of the templates and made it in CS2 instead. Not exactly the same, but close enough to still be just like the original that inspired me so.

(Credit to Jaana Saker for the template, and Kim B for the kit)
I then used the sketch from Kim's SMB templates, to create this LO.
And on another note, I think I'm going to try my hand at making templates. I find them to be an invaluable tool when I get scrapper's block, or when I need to finish a few LO's quickly. I'll give it a go and see what happens. Worse come to worse, no one wants them, lol. But at least I'll them for myself! Plus it'll give me more time practice my PS skills. There are so many things that I see other people doing, that I want to know how to do! I should work on that today since no one is around, lol. Actually what I really need to do is make a LO and banner for this blog!
I suppose I'll go do something now. Maybe work, maybe not ;o)
Have a good one!
Pssst- it's Kim- hahahahahahaa, YAY- I'm first- LOL LOL... OH man this looks great! I wondered about the "different name" when it popped up and then "killed myself" laughing- the LO"s are AWSOME!!!!! And um- the header took me a week to figure out- not how to make it how to put the thing up-LOL, so I cheated and now it's a "added element"- LOL LOL, But your blog looks really good!!! Hugs MEEEEE
heya- where you???? LOL LOL- man it's nearly 1am and I am bushed- talk about "addicted" to my job- LOL, actually been painting christmas decorations- don't laugh!! hahahaha! oh that's another long story-just glad I finished the bloody things now! UM you better check my blog tomorrow- hahahahaha You getting tagged! I was tagged by LN ( another faithful KimB blog reader-hahahah_ and well I decided to tag "my friends"- hahahahaha- so sorry-NOT!.. but it will be there tomorrow afternoon my time- have absolutely NO idea what time it will be for you! hahahaha!
Well it's off to bed!!
EEEK- I see me here again-LOL, ok you tagged! Rules are up on my blog-LOL
Have a great weekend!
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